The Force of Nature Process - One Year to Your Best Self

The Force of Nature Process - One Year to Your Best Self


This package is designed for the person who has “been around the block” with complicated health issues and lack of healing success with one-size-fits-all approaches. It is designed to determine root causes and foundational disturbances in your health challenges, and repair them step by step.

Here, you will receive a full year of fundamental services scheduled at regular intervals, plus customized holistic services to support your whole body and mind -leading you to discover the force of nature within.


What’s Included in the Force of Nature Process

  • Personalized nutrition assessment with one-on-one plus email coaching, nutrition plan, 30-day startup daily email support, 3 sets of 6 personalized recipes with your ideal foods, and exercise/relaxation prescription for your Metabolic Type ®

  • 3 rounds of hair and blood testing with analysis, protocol development and consulting (Most clients will need additional testing for their individual needs. Given the wide range of possibilities, this is left to be an a la carte item.)

  • Unlimited email support for the first 3 months, reducing to twice weekly for 6 months and once weekly for the last 3 months

  • Fear-Fight-Flight-Freeze “Redress” addresses your two greatest fears with a 4-step process to create acceptance, empowerment, realism, calm and compassion

  • Core belief discovery/restructuring session, plus a 45-minute follow-up session, each with a personalized inspirational email follow-up in the following month

  • Recommendations for 2 adjunct therapies appropriate for your challenges (These might include lymph drainage therapy, craniosacral therapy, Qi gong, acupuncture, naturopathic nutrient or cleansing therapies, psychotherapy, yoga/meditation, massage therapy, TENS therapy, brain trauma therapy, PEMF therapy, etc)

  • Recommendations for 2 books and 2 videos to augment your learning and healing

  • Email reminders for your upcoming services

  • Final month 1/2 hour review of experience, successes and needs going forward

  • All services provided digitally with telehealth, not dependent upon location except for the ability to access proper testing