Posts tagged gluten intolerance
Your Brain and Microplastics: Science and Solutions
Julie Donaldsonmicroplastics, brain, dementia, environmental challenge, polyethylene, polymers, uric acid, liver, kidneys, water supplies, fat, blood-brain barrier, clearance systems, detox, lungs, arteries, hearts, placenta, breast milk, penis, testicles, toxic, plastic polymers, methylation, cancer, meat, plant based diets, plant-based meat options, plant foods, aptamers, chemical antibodies, foreign substances, pyrimidines, purines, nucleotide, autophagy, mitophagy, metabolic individuality, pentose phosphate pathway, Krebs cycle, oxidative functions, redox systems, antioxidants, MT®, personalized nutrition, gout, dehydration, metabolic diseases, kidney disease, systemic inflammation, thyroid and/or parathyroid diseases, acidosis, B12 deficiency, solutions, holistic health, nucleotide salvage pathway, liver cancer, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, biliary tract cancer, endocrine cancers, pancreatic cancer, glyphosate, organic, hydroponics, genetic tests, mutations, epipenetics, holistic telehealth, Julie Donaldson,, pesticides, gluten intolerance, fruit, fructose, avoid detoxes, True Nature Health Consulting
Bone Loss, Elevated Homocysteine, Individualized Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease: Exploring New Testing and Functional Support
Julie Donaldsonosteoporosis, osteopenia, bone loos, bone loss, homocysteine, individualized nutrition, cardiovascular disease, DEXA scan, TBS, trabecular bone score, collagen, collagenous matrix, extracellular matrix, nitric oxide, calicum, vitamin D, B vitamins, folate, brain, nervous system, mortality, bone density, tensile strength, elasticity, bone integrity, bone formation, bone resorption, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, bone cells, bone remodeling, proteins, bone mineralization, bone mass, risk factors, alcoholism, low BMI, hypogonadism, hyperparathyroidism, IBD, gluten intolerance, neuromuscular disorders, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, ATP, Krebs cycle, minerals, methionine, cysteine, CBS pathway, MTHFR, ROS, reactive oxygen species, oxidative stress, immune responses, MMPs, matrix metalloproteinases, endothelial dysfunction, coronary artery disease, atheros, T score, thyroid, parathyroid, exercise, weight-bearing exercise, toxins, gut health, telehealth, holistic health, holistic telehealth, collagen peptides, OSA, REMS, orthosilicicic acid, radio frequency ecographic multi spectrometry, ultrasound, radiation, grounding, OsteoStrong, personalized nutrition, Julie Donaldson, True Nature Health Consulting
Optimal Health and Your Gut Integrity: Keys to Individual Success
Julie Donaldsongut health, microbiome, microbiome diversity, digestion, probiotics, ecological nutrition, hydrochloric acid, HCL, Peyers' patches, immune system, glucoronidation, aluminum, bile production, toxins, mucosal barrier, assimilation, stomach acid, heavy metals, SIBO, parasites, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, H pylori, SCD, Metabolic Typing®, zinc, intestinal microbiome, holistic telehealth