Posts tagged blood-brain barrier
Your Brain and Microplastics: Science and Solutions
Julie Donaldsonmicroplastics, brain, dementia, environmental challenge, polyethylene, polymers, uric acid, liver, kidneys, water supplies, fat, blood-brain barrier, clearance systems, detox, lungs, arteries, hearts, placenta, breast milk, penis, testicles, toxic, plastic polymers, methylation, cancer, meat, plant based diets, plant-based meat options, plant foods, aptamers, chemical antibodies, foreign substances, pyrimidines, purines, nucleotide, autophagy, mitophagy, metabolic individuality, pentose phosphate pathway, Krebs cycle, oxidative functions, redox systems, antioxidants, MT®, personalized nutrition, gout, dehydration, metabolic diseases, kidney disease, systemic inflammation, thyroid and/or parathyroid diseases, acidosis, B12 deficiency, solutions, holistic health, nucleotide salvage pathway, liver cancer, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, biliary tract cancer, endocrine cancers, pancreatic cancer, glyphosate, organic, hydroponics, genetic tests, mutations, epipenetics, holistic telehealth, Julie Donaldson,, pesticides, gluten intolerance, fruit, fructose, avoid detoxes, True Nature Health Consulting
The Truth About Antioxidants: Know Before You Swallow!
Julie Donaldsonantioxidants, ergothioneine, molecular hydrogen, H2, EGT, antioxidant defense system, vitamin E, beta-carotene, vitamin C, cancer, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, scavenge, ROS, nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species, NO, SOD, superoxide dismutase, endothelial stress, oxidative stress, homeostasis, adaptive, induclble, transporters, vital organs, spleen, eyes, cerebrospinal fluid, mother's milk, amniotic fluid, seminal fluid, blood-brain barrier, anti-senescent, anti-inflammatory, anti-neurodegenerative, mitochondrial respiration, sleep architecture, antioxidant super systems network, white matter, Alzheimer's disease, personalized nutrition, anti-aging, free radicals, hydroxyl, peroxynitrite, magnesium, malic acid, hormetic, hormetic stress, MT®, holistic telehealth, Julie Donaldson, Nrf2, immune-modulating, IL-6, exercise performance, joint diseases, mushrooms, chelates, metals, iron, copper, low molecular weight
Aluminum Prevalence, Health Risks and Effective Protection
Julie Donaldsonaluminum, aluminum toxicity, light metal, aluminum prevalence, environmental factors, car exhaust, soil, acid rain, water, industrial manufacturing, jet exhaust, diesel, holistic health, hair analysis, personalized nutrition, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, autism, autism spectrum disorders, ASD, graphene, blood-brain barrier, blood-air barrier, blood-testes barrier, blood-placental barrier, organs, tissues, neurotoxicity, cloud seeding, geo-engineering, atmospheric change, baby formula, toothpaste, anti-perspirant, aspirin, antacids, vaccines, cloud seeding process, atmospheric transport, structural and functional abnormalities, methylation, excretion patttern, holistic telehealth, infant/toddler aluminum exposure, inflammatory cytokines, joint damage, oxidative stress, inhibition of cartilage formation, poor microbiome diversity, cardiovascular disease, excretion pattern
The Science Behind Successful Sleep - Day and Nighttime Practices for Success
Julie Donaldsonmoderate exercise, perceived stress, stress response, sleep, healthy sleep, Autonomic Nervous System, sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system, circadian rhythms, melatonin, pineal gland, ATP, mitochondria, energy production, l-theanine, liposomal melatonin, Wifi, blue light, yellow light, bright light, sunrise, sunset, midday sunlight, MT, Metabolic Typing®, breathing techniques, heart rate, blood pressure, fight or flight, relaxation, meditation, eyes, direct sunlight, depression, anxiety, high intensity exercise, REM, non-REM, lions mane, ROS, reactive oxygen species, SCN, suprachiasmatic nuclei, lungs, digestive tract, Vagus nerve, cranial nerves, Krebs cycle, personalized nutrition, mitochondrial respiration, homeostatic mechanisms, metabolic processes, restorative sleep, digestion, gut, liver, kidneys, brain, holistic health, holistic telehealth, immune function, cellular repair, mood modulation, oxidative stress, fluoride, blood-brain barrier, excitatory transmitter, glutamate, GABA, black seed oil, melatonin receptors, calcification of the pineal gland, nitric oxide, neurotransmitter, acetylcholine
Anxiety: Your Gut, Brain, HPA, Detox and Functional Health Care
Julie Donaldsonanxiety, gut, brain, HPA, detox, functional health care, hypothalamus-pituitary axis, mental health, peace, happiness, ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences, well-being, de-stigmatize, neurotransmitters, gut-brain-axis, central nervous system, gut microbiota, dysbiosis, intestinal bowel disease, leaky gut, leaky gut syndrome, microbiome, bacteria, fungi, intestinal permeability, mucosa, inflammatory, autoimmune, cytokins, blood-brain barrier, TNF-alpha, serotonin, dopmaine, neuromodulator, digestive system, healthy gut bacteria, gut motility, probiotics, non-probiotic treatment, immune status, blood tests, Th1, Th2, corticotropic releasing hormone, adenohypophysis, ACTH, cortisol, stress hormone, negative feedback signal, HPA dysregulation, adrenatline, noradrenaline, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, hyperthyroid, panic attacks, methylation, MTHFR, CBS, COMT, glyphosate, heavy metals, pesticides, petrochemicals, B12, B6, zinc, folate, lecithin, selenium, molybdenum, choline, root cause, Metabolic Typing®, nutritional assessment, personalized program, stress, antibiotics, SAS, sympathoadrenal medullary system, anticipatory anxiety, chronic stress, fight-flight-freeze response, individualized nutrition, homeostatic mechanisms, body temperature, blood sugar regulation, gas exchange, respiration, blood pressure, electrolyte status, energy, Catechol-O-Methyltransferase, cognition, enzymes, glucuronidation, telehealth, gut health, holistic health, CBD, anxiety symptoms, doom, danger, irregular heartbeat, holistic health care, pyroluria, holistic telehealth