The Truth About Antioxidants: Know Before You Swallow!
Julie Donaldsonantioxidants, ergothioneine, molecular hydrogen, H2, EGT, antioxidant defense system, vitamin E, beta-carotene, vitamin C, cancer, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, scavenge, ROS, nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species, NO, SOD, superoxide dismutase, endothelial stress, oxidative stress, homeostasis, adaptive, induclble, transporters, vital organs, spleen, eyes, cerebrospinal fluid, mother's milk, amniotic fluid, seminal fluid, blood-brain barrier, anti-senescent, anti-inflammatory, anti-neurodegenerative, mitochondrial respiration, sleep architecture, antioxidant super systems network, white matter, Alzheimer's disease, personalized nutrition, anti-aging, free radicals, hydroxyl, peroxynitrite, magnesium, malic acid, hormetic, hormetic stress, MT®, holistic telehealth, Julie Donaldson, Nrf2, immune-modulating, IL-6, exercise performance, joint diseases, mushrooms, chelates, metals, iron, copper, low molecular weight
The Incredible Health Benefits of Glutathione
Julie DonaldsonTGF-β, glutathione, antioxidant, immune system, liver, liver health, health benefits, exogenous antioxidant, Alzheimer's disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, asthma, autism, celiac disease, chronic fatigue, heavy metal detoxification, lupus, mental health disorders, fatty liver disease, Parkinson's disease, peripheral artery disease, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Chrohn's disease, reactive oxygen species, ROS, free radicals, skin, glutamine, cysteine, glycine, bloodstream, energy, lipid peroxidation, liver disease, personalized nutrition, gallbladder, bile, cholagogic foods, hydration, protein transporter, ATP, inflammatory cytokine, pathogens, pro-fibrogenic, cell survival, homeostasis, Bell curve, fibrotic diseases, injury, chronic illness, poor sleep, pharmaceutical medicines, stress, aging, alcohol, toxicity, inflammation, pyroluria, pyrroles, IVs, nebulizer, milk thistle, lipoic acid, NAC, A2 dairy, sulfur rich foods, cruciferous vegetables, animal protein, eggs, liposomal glutathione, sublingual form, mold toxicity, wildfire smoke, lung stress, lung disease
ADHD on the Rise: Dopamine, Immunity, Brain Fog and Solutions
Julie DonaldsonADD, ADHD, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, hyperactivity, dopamine, brain fog, immunity, adult ADHD, addiction, impulsivity, inability to pay attention/focus, hyper-focus, overactive mind, poor sleep, insomnia, fatigue, dyslexia, norepinpehrine, serotonin, GABA, comorbid psychiatric disorders, anxiety, depression, genetic, heritable, food sensitivities, additives, food dyes, low protein, heavy metals, emotion, motor control, motivation, cognition, pleasure/reward system, dopamine receptors, dopaminergic system, epigenetic influences, substance use, self-medicating, forgetfulness, difficulty finding words, jumbled thoughts, drowsiness, CDD, Concentration Deficit Disorder, neuroimmune loop, cytokines, inflammation, antibodies, autoimmune, homeostasis, brain, nervous system, Metabolic Typing®, personalized nutrition, blood chemistry, hair analysis, amino acids testing, Dutch hormone testing, exercise, breathing, air pollution, VOCs, holistic telehealth, root causes, environmental, Julie Donaldson, vitamin D, amino acids, digestion, gut stress, abnormal glucose tolerance, dopamine synthesis, Dr. James Greenblatt, Psychiatry Redefined, Shirley Lacy PhD, tyrosine, phenylalanine, executive function, learning, memory, behavior, reward and pleasure, impulse control disorders, healthy diets, junk food diets, neuropeptides, synapse, neurotransmitter, postsynaptc, MTHFR, polymorphisms, 1298AC polymorphism, MTHFR mutations, B vitamins, zinc, selenium, magnesium
Cholesterol and the Big Fat Myths
Julie Donaldsoncholesterol, myths, saturated fat, CVD, cardiovascular disease, personalized nutrition, fatty acids, LDL, HDL, total cholesterol, endotoxin load, chronic low-grade inflammation, chronic inflammation, taurine, diet dogma, healthy bacteria, gut, heart attack, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, blood vessels, red blood cells, endocalyx, cholesterol sulfate, sunlight exposure, vitamin D, vitamin K, mortality rates, holistic health, arteries, capillaries, plaque, frictionless surface, bacteria, viruses, molds, fungi, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, obesity, statins, atherosclerosis, co-Q10, triglycerides, foam cells, macrophage, alcohol consumption, excessive nutrient intake, methylation, methyl donors, liver, muscles, homocysteine, betaine, choline, methionine, meat, eggs, dairy, grains, beets, spinach, beans, MT®, CYP enzymes, bile acids, bile ducts, bergamot, artichoke, NAC, glyphosate, cruciferous vegetables, glutathione, glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, MSM, holistic telehealth, muscle, energy, low cholesterol, neuropsychiatric diseases, cell membrane, permeability, homeostasis, neuronal injury, neuropsychiatric disorders, depression, anxiety, bowels, kidneys, bladder, detoxification, solutions, ATP, Krebs cycle, nitric oxide
Parasites, Heavy Metals, Nutrition, Melatonin and Nighttime: A Survivor's Guide
Julie Donaldsonparasites, heavy metals, nutrition, personalized nutrition, melatonin, circadian rhythms, nighttime, holistic health, holistic telehealth, stool test, contaminated food, freshwater fish, ocean fish, pork, vegetables, lakes, streams, swimming pools, rivers, soil, digestive problems, constipation, diarrhea, gas, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, hunger, bile acid malab, iron deficiency anemia, teeth grinding, skin issues, rashes, eczema, hives, itching, anxiety, yeast infections, herpes outbreaks, headaches, vision problems, compromised immunity, adrenal fatigue, inflammatory state, fat, homeostasis, Metabolic Typing®, MT, zinc, selenium, vitamin A, high fat diet (HFD), macrophage, sugar, microbiota, GI tract, vitamin C, vitamin B12, Metabolic Type®, immune system, liver flukes, mercury, lead, cadmium, cardiovascular, pulmonary, urinary, gastrointestinal, neurological, mercury poisoning, parasites consume heavy metals, neurotoxic effects, brain and nerve damage, mental retardation, behavioral problems, degenerative neurological diseases, blood brain barrier, liver, gonad tissues, antioxidant enzymes, SOD, superoxide dismutase, GSH, glutathione, methylated, full moon, full moon lunar phase, phenotypic plasticity, red blood cells, RBCs, bone marrow, B vitamins, copper, magnesium, insulin, glucocorticoids, vasodilators, blood, temperature changes, detoxification, serotonin, reproductive activity, mobility, immunomodulatory, cytokine production, stress, hormesis, mitochondrial activity, lymphatics, bile production, liver function, lungs, kidneys, sweating, bowel elimination, glymphatic cleansing, phase I liver detoxification, phase II detoxification, water soluble, metabolite, bile synthesis, bile ducts, insomnia, preparation and provocation, MT®, methylation imbalances, Individualized protocols, toxin binders, parasite cleansing protocols, individualized approach
Hormesis - What It Is, When It's Unsafe, and Some Common Practices to Consider
Julie Donaldsonhormesis, hormetic process, hormetic stresser, intermittent fasting, cold plunge, heat shock, hot therapy, goldenseal, milk thistle, silymarin, silybin, phenolic compounds, homeostasis, fasting, toxicological event, hormetic, Nrf-2, stress response, SR, Metabolic Typing®, adaptive stress response, brain, low-dose stimulation, transcription factor, phase II detoxification, methylation, sulfation, flucuronidation, glutathione, amino acid conjugation, oxidative stress, antioxidant, nucleus, DNA, glucuronidation, weight loss, blood sugar, berberine, berberrubine, liver, hormetin, breathing techniques, UV radiation, high intensity interval training, HIIT, oxygen deprivation, cardiovascular risk, holistic telehealth, homeopathy, liver cancer, holistic health, heat shock proteins, Nrf2, Nrf2 pathway, headaches, insomnia, muscle & joint pain, weak immune response, blood pressure, over-stimulated nervous system
PMS, the Immune System and Metabolic Typing® with William Wolcott
Julie DonaldsonMT, Metabolic Typing®, personalized nutrition, ATP, holistic health, holistic telehealth, PMS, William Wolcott, The Metabolic Typing Diet, reproductive cycle, menstruation, homeostatic mechanisms, health, disease, Krebs cycle, mitochondrial respiration, metabolic individuality, homeostasis, engines of metabolism, energy, mood, hormonal shift, metabolic type, immune system, endocrine system, immune cell types, immune pathways, pathogenic stresses, endometrium, endometriosis, heavy bleeding, tissue breakdown, remodeling, repair, Natural killer cells, macrophages, neutrophils, mast cells, dendritic cells, T-regs, natural inflammatory process, leukocytes, autophagy, NKCs, histamine, heparin, blood-thinning, endothelial cells, retrograde menstruation, fallopian tubes, abdomen, pain, pelvic cavity, irregular contractions, epithelium, blood vessels, monocytes, oxidative stress, secretory phase, sex glands, adrenal glands, estrogen, progresterone, individual nutrition, glycocalyx, testing immune markers in the blood, nitric oxide, nitric oxide synthesis, COVID-19, infections, vaccinations, infection, vaccination
Fatty Liver Disease: It's on the Rise and Dangerous, but Preventable
Julie Donaldsonfatty liver disease, NAFL, Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver, obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, glycogetn, glycogen, glycogenolysis, glucagon, liver, liver health, NASH, liver cell damage, individualized nutrition, biochemical individuality, fuel overload, green banana flour, resistant starch, Metabolic Typing®, metabolic syndrome, homeostatic mechanisms, triglycerides, Body Mass Index, BMI, waist circumference, prevention, homeostasis, fatty acid oxidation, glucose metabolism, GGT, glutathione, milk thistle, ketones, hepatocytes, exercise, childhood obesity, heavy metals, toxin binders, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, copper, lead, prediabetes, CDC Division of Diabetic Translation, holistic health, telehealth, personalized nutrition, black seed oil
Eating Disorders and Their Associations With Prior Infectious History
Julie Donaldsoneating disorders, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, unspecified eating disorders, microbiome, infectious history, bacteria, viruses, anti-fungal, antibiotic, anti-viral, neurotransmission, neurotransmitter, dopamine, serotonin, nervous system, immune system, immune response, immune modulation, nutrition, toxic burden, psychological stress, holistic care, shame, stigma, mental illness, GABA, neuromodulators, appetite control, homeostasis, meditation, yoga, therapy, journaling, core belief work, nutrient cofactors, biofilm, CRH, corticotropic releasing hormone, NF-kappa B, holistic health, holistic telehealth
Parasites Be Gone! the True Nature Way
Julie DonaldsonTrue Nature Process, parasites, Metabolic Typing®, functional blood chemistry analysis, HTMA, nausea, light sensitivity, exhaustion, brain fog, coffee enema, bile duct blockage, pancreatic duct blockage, tapeworms, visual impairment, cystic developments, neurocysticercosis, brain lesions, seizures, meningitis, dementia, eosinophils, pathogens, stool test, long term immune response, diminished liver function, GI inflammation, low organ energy, toxicity, immune stress, gut dysfunction, insomnia, mood instability, headaches, skin eruptions, body pain, holistic hesalth, holistic health, functional blood chemistry, homeostasis, inflammation, tapeworm