Posts tagged free radicals
Vitamin D, VDRs, Mast Cell Activation and Oxidative Stress
Julie Donaldsonvitamin D, VDR, Vitamin D Receptors, autophagy, ROS, reactive oxygen species, pathogens, toxins, methylation, detoxification, histamine, mast cells, mast cell activation, mast cell degranulation, Th 1, Th 2, immune system, innate immune response, Th2 dominance, gut, dysbiosis, intestinal barrier, tight junctions, leaky gut, WBCs, white blood cells, bacteria, viruses, GI inflammation, free radicals, sneezing, wheezing, diarrhea, headaches, nausea, itching, skin flushing, mood swings, hives, joint aches/pains, histamine clearance, blood tests, personalized nutrition, individualized testing, 25-hydroxy, 1, 25-OH, butyrate, antioxidants, Julie Donaldson, oxidative stress, hollow spaces, sinuses, lungs, bladder, skin, inflammasome, sunlight, interferon gamma, inflammation, chronic illness, vitamin D synthesis, inflammatory cytokines, Th1, Th2, mutations, epigenetics, calcium, calcium absorption in the gut
The Truth About Antioxidants: Know Before You Swallow!
Julie Donaldsonantioxidants, ergothioneine, molecular hydrogen, H2, EGT, antioxidant defense system, vitamin E, beta-carotene, vitamin C, cancer, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, scavenge, ROS, nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species, NO, SOD, superoxide dismutase, endothelial stress, oxidative stress, homeostasis, adaptive, induclble, transporters, vital organs, spleen, eyes, cerebrospinal fluid, mother's milk, amniotic fluid, seminal fluid, blood-brain barrier, anti-senescent, anti-inflammatory, anti-neurodegenerative, mitochondrial respiration, sleep architecture, antioxidant super systems network, white matter, Alzheimer's disease, personalized nutrition, anti-aging, free radicals, hydroxyl, peroxynitrite, magnesium, malic acid, hormetic, hormetic stress, MT®, holistic telehealth, Julie Donaldson, Nrf2, immune-modulating, IL-6, exercise performance, joint diseases, mushrooms, chelates, metals, iron, copper, low molecular weight
The Incredible Health Benefits of Glutathione
Julie DonaldsonTGF-β, glutathione, antioxidant, immune system, liver, liver health, health benefits, exogenous antioxidant, Alzheimer's disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, asthma, autism, celiac disease, chronic fatigue, heavy metal detoxification, lupus, mental health disorders, fatty liver disease, Parkinson's disease, peripheral artery disease, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Chrohn's disease, reactive oxygen species, ROS, free radicals, skin, glutamine, cysteine, glycine, bloodstream, energy, lipid peroxidation, liver disease, personalized nutrition, gallbladder, bile, cholagogic foods, hydration, protein transporter, ATP, inflammatory cytokine, pathogens, pro-fibrogenic, cell survival, homeostasis, Bell curve, fibrotic diseases, injury, chronic illness, poor sleep, pharmaceutical medicines, stress, aging, alcohol, toxicity, inflammation, pyroluria, pyrroles, IVs, nebulizer, milk thistle, lipoic acid, NAC, A2 dairy, sulfur rich foods, cruciferous vegetables, animal protein, eggs, liposomal glutathione, sublingual form, mold toxicity, wildfire smoke, lung stress, lung disease
Spider Man, Pac-Man & Energy Combustion in Human Immunity
Julie DonaldsonPac-Man, Spider Man, controlled combustion, ATP, enregy, energy, Krebs cycle, macrophage, neutrophils, M1, M2, adenosine triphosphate, mitochondrial function, Metabolic Typing®, pathogens, inflammation, tissue debris, coticosteroids, cortisol, metabolic integrity, cytokines, free radicals, bacteria, cellular respiration, holistic telehealth, glycolysis, blood vessels, oxygen, personalized nutrition, immune system, Bell curve, DAMPs, damage associated molecular proteins
Toxins Are Everywhere, Making Us Obese, Diabetic and Low-Energy
Julie Donaldsontoxins, obesity, diabetes, low-energy, obese, diabetic, environmental toxins, air, water, soil, food, toxic chemicals, cancer, brain, nervous system, birth defects, abnormal fetal development, pathogens, epigenetic influences, micro plastics, PFAS, BPAs, heavy metals, oxidative stress, polyfuoroalkyl substances, "forever chemicals", textiles, non-stick pans, liver and kidney damage, EWG, Environmental Working Group, municipal water, freshwater fish, mitochondrial dysfunction, ATP, metabolic homeostasis, BPA, insulin, insulin resistance, fat cells, cardiovascular disease, pro-inflammatory environment, Metabolic Typing®, free radicals, antioxidants, MT®, biochemistry, detoxification, ghee, butyrate, lipophilic-mediated detoxification, Nrf-2, RO, reverse osmosis
Is Shilajit A Miracle Compound?
Julie Donaldsonshilajit, holistic health, gut health, cardiovascular disease, pain, brain inflammation, anxiety, low energy, musculoskeletal problems, Ayurvedic medicine, rock exudate, fulvic acid, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, fertility, cholesterol, lipid-reducing, triglycerides, fatty liver disease, antioxidants, SOD, vitamin E, vitamin C, oxidative stress, free radicals, ROS, reactive oxygen species, sperm, infertile, testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone, ovulation, estrus, high altitude sickness, osteoporosis, bone loss, bone health, muscle integrity, regeneration, insulin, pancreas, glucose homeostasis, GABA glycine, inhibitory neurotransmitters, central nervous system, brain stem, spinal cord, cognition, ATP, CoQ10, mitochondria, detox, binders, silica, iron, calcium, copper, lithium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, sodium, zinc, heavy metals, methylation, detoxification, microbiome, mucosal barrier, immune system, inflammatory processes, normalizing effect, nontoxic, adaptogen, mold sickness, skin, synergistic, holistic telehealth, personalized nutrition, Metabolic Typing®, mast cell, histamine
21st Century Self Care: Evaluating Individualized Nutrition vs. Intermittent Fasting
Julie Donaldsonindividualized nutrition, intermittent fasting, self care, personalized nutrition, conventional dietary advice, psychology, behavior, disease, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Metabolic Typing®, metabolic function, ATP, methylation, detoxification, toxins, increased risk of death, gallbladder, gallstones, epigenetics, methyl donors, cell oxidation, heavy metals, redox, innate wisdom of the body, vital organs, pH balance, homeostatic mechanisms, energy, healthier lifestyle, genotypic, phenotypic, DNA, stress chemistry, neurotransmission, over-eating, binge eating, fad diets, functional health practitioner, peroxides, free radicals, individual nutrient requirements, estrogen receptors, leptin, hypothalamus, estrogen methylation, appetite control, motivated, lasting dietary change, personalization of dietary advice, holistic health, holistic telehealth, professional holistic health coaching, DHEA, DHEA-s, gut health, adrenal glands, estrogens, androgens, hormones, hormesis, hormetic process, stressor, physiological change, dose response phenomenon, low-dose stimulation, stress response, hypothalamus-pituitary axis, HPA