The Power of Metabolic Typing® - Reaching Your Holistic Health Goals With Your Body As An Ally
Julie DonaldsonMetabolic Typing®, personalized nutrition, holistic health, holistic telehealth, Krebs cycle, ATP, cellular oxidation, Autonomic Nervous System, mitochondrial respiration, Inuits, Digestion, elimination, energy production, weight, health issues, metabolic systems, food cravings, brain fog, biochemical individuality, blood type, Paleo, vegetarian, vegan, diet trends, body/mind, metabolism, hormones, gut health, microbiome, digestive tract, blood sugar, electrolytes, pH
21st Century Self Care: Evaluating Individualized Nutrition vs. Intermittent Fasting
Julie Donaldsonindividualized nutrition, intermittent fasting, self care, personalized nutrition, conventional dietary advice, psychology, behavior, disease, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Metabolic Typing®, metabolic function, ATP, methylation, detoxification, toxins, increased risk of death, gallbladder, gallstones, epigenetics, methyl donors, cell oxidation, heavy metals, redox, innate wisdom of the body, vital organs, pH balance, homeostatic mechanisms, energy, healthier lifestyle, genotypic, phenotypic, DNA, stress chemistry, neurotransmission, over-eating, binge eating, fad diets, functional health practitioner, peroxides, free radicals, individual nutrient requirements, estrogen receptors, leptin, hypothalamus, estrogen methylation, appetite control, motivated, lasting dietary change, personalization of dietary advice, holistic health, holistic telehealth, professional holistic health coaching, DHEA, DHEA-s, gut health, adrenal glands, estrogens, androgens, hormones, hormesis, hormetic process, stressor, physiological change, dose response phenomenon, low-dose stimulation, stress response, hypothalamus-pituitary axis, HPA
Healthy Fat vs. Fat Storage: What's Really Needed and What's in the Way
Julie Donaldsonfat, leptin, hypothalmus, Metabolic Typing®, individualized nutrition, toxins, methylation, thyroid, hypothyroid, metabolism, fat storage, triglycerides, inflammation, hormones, vital organs, body temperature, T cells, innate immune response, enterocytes, glycocalyx, endothelial cells, leptin resistance, insulin resistance, glucose, glycogen, lipogenesis, glucose-insulin response, digestion, grazing, sleep, exercise, cortisol, stress, adipose tissue, brain, nervous system, calories, BMI, Body Mass Index, holistic telehealth
Oxalates, Sulfates, and Balances in Methylation and Gut Function
Julie Donaldsonoxalates, sulfates, homocysteine, CBS, transsulfuration, sulfation, neurotransmitters, nervous system disorders, MTHFR, phenolic compounds, SIBO, cysteine, taurine, methionine, glycine, glutamine, glutathione, hormones, toxins, heavy metals, methylation, vitamin B6, calcium, liver, kidneys, gut, Sat1 transport protein, amino acids, fungus, candda, mold, estrogen, arabinose, ASD, autism spectrum disorders, glyphosate, molybdenum, spinach, nuts, chocolate, potatoes, sweet potatoes, grains, SAM, SAH, bones, brain, phase II detoxification, kidney stones, leaky gut syndrome, vulvodynia, vitamin C, glycoxalic acid, GI tract, mucous membrane, hyperoxaluria type II, autoimmune disease, pain, joints, sulfur rich foods, fatty liver, cholesterol, pesticides, gas, diarrhea, constipation, IBS, oxalate deposition, hydrogen sulfide, Sat1 transporter, dysbiosis, holistic health, gut health, holistic health care, telehealth, holistic telehealth
H. pylori, Hormones and Your Gut Health
Julie DonaldsonH pylori, gram negative bacteria, hormones, virulence factor, progesterone, cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine, arachidonic acid, adrenal health, liver health, steroidal hormones, nausea, vomiting, black stools, bleeding, bloating, abdominal pain, irritable bowel, anemia, PCR assay, linoleic acid, infection, urease, carbon dioxide, ammonia, fatigue, aluminum, pregnenolone, endocytic, virulence factors, chemotaxis, stomach cancer, gram negative, DEA, EA, estrone, phospholipids, cell drinking, cell eating, inflammation, mucosal barrier, immunity, leaky gut, food sensitivities, fermentation, malabsorption, hypochlorhydria, hydrochloric acid, gut membrane integrity, cell membrane integrity, detoxification, chronic stress, brain-gut axis, neurotransmission, cognitive dysfunction, memory, anxiety, depression, gut health, holistic telehealth, oral contact
Spectrum Disorders, Aluminum and Maternal Immune Models: New Research and a New Paradigm
Julie DonaldsonASD, autism, autism spectrum disorders, aluminum, aluminum hydroxide, genetic protection, MIA, Maternal Immune Activation, aromatization, hormones, hypermasculinization, vaccinations, nanoparticle, detoxification, blood, lymph, immune invasion, epithelial cells, adjuvant, Autonomic Nervous System, IL-6, fertility, immune modulation, digestive repair, mercury toxicity, DPP-4 enzyme, holistic health care, personalized nutrition, telehealth