The Power of Metabolic Typing® - Reaching Your Holistic Health Goals With Your Body As An Ally
Julie DonaldsonMetabolic Typing®, personalized nutrition, holistic health, holistic telehealth, Krebs cycle, ATP, cellular oxidation, Autonomic Nervous System, mitochondrial respiration, Inuits, Digestion, elimination, energy production, weight, health issues, metabolic systems, food cravings, brain fog, biochemical individuality, blood type, Paleo, vegetarian, vegan, diet trends, body/mind, metabolism, hormones, gut health, microbiome, digestive tract, blood sugar, electrolytes, pH
The Dark Side of Fluoride: Skin Issues, Gut Disruption and Pineal Stress
Julie Donaldsonfluoride, halogen, chlorine, skin conditions, leaky gut, gut health, pineal gland, oxidative stress, teeth, municipal drinking water, water, fluorosilicic acid, shower, bathing, fluoride-induced oxidative stress, melatonin, immune system, nervous system, cardiovascular, alkaline phosphatase, gut permeability, brush border, sodium, potassium, electrical currents, endotoxins, zinc, glandular function, antioxidant, oncostatic, calcification, sleep apnea, sleep disturbances, thyroid disease, brittle bones, perioral dermatitis, detoxification, telehealth, holistic telehealth, anxiety, depression, excitation, inhibition, mood disorders, neurotoxic, brain, curcumin, cognitive impairment, neurotoxin, early brain development, neurotoxicant
Brilliant Gut Health With Spore Biotics and Ancient Mineral Acids
Julie Donaldsonspore biotics vs. probiotics, spore biotics, soil spores, probiotics, humic acid, gut health, holisitc health, bacillus, colonization, GI tract, adhesion, bio-therapeutic properties, diversity, microbiome, antimicrobial, antioxidant, immune modulation, biofilm reduction, toxin protection, cell survival, glutathione, gut permeability, anti-cancer, cholesterol regulation, fibrinogen inhibition, candida inhibition, spleen, lymphocyte support, diarrhea, gingivitis, pathogen reduction, dysbiosis amelioration, beneficial microbial population, intestinal mucosa, monoculture, Vandana Shiva, Dr. Zach Bush, ION Gut Health, glyphosate, redox, humic extract, saccharomyces boulardii, akkermansia, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, mucins, mucus, personalized nutrition, MT®, stool testing, maintenance protocols, body/mind care, nervous system, core belief system, holistic telehealth, True Nature Health Consulting, leaky gut, tight junctions, phyla bacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, SCFAs, short chain fatty acids, epithelial barrier, gut homeostasis, Julie Donaldson, biofilm, redox molecules, liquid circuit board, when probiotics matter, multiple sclerosis, colorectal cancer, pH balance, remodeling of the microbiome, immunity
Butyrate: Powerhouse Influences on Gut Health, Insulin, Histamine and Inflammation
Julie Donaldsonbutyrate, gut health, insulin sensitivity, histamine, inflammation, microbiome, endocannabinoid, gut inflammation, colorectal cancer, colonocytes, autophagy, cell death, gut epithelium, immune surveillance, resistant starch, glycemic control, cholesterol, colon cancer, fermentation, large intestine, colon health, ATP, mitochondria, non-alcoholic fatty liver, green banana flour, acetate, proprionate, hepatic mitochondrial health, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, detoxification, hormone balance, histone deacetylase inhibitors, gut-skin axis, gut-brain axis, mood, brain, neurotransmission, mast cell activation, oxidative stress, bowel volume, holistic health, holistic telehealth, boiling and cooling
Pyroluria: What It Is, How It Impacts Mental and Physical Health and Hope for Those Who Suffer
Julie Donaldsonpyroluria, kyrptopyrrole, mood disorders, HPL, leaky gut syndrome, hydroxyhemopyrrolin-2-one, gut repair, nutrition, methylation, heavy metal toxicities, glutathione, SOD, superoxide dismutase, catalase, depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, schizophrenia, suicidal tendencies, autism, autism spectrum disorders, heme, heme synthesis, cytochrome P450, CYP, antioxidants, detoxification, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, petrochemicals, hormone toxicity, Dr. William Walsh, Dr. Albert Mensah, copper toxicity, Dr. Carl Pfeiffer, phospholipids, arachidonic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acid, Gamma Linolenic Acid, GLA, Omega 6, joint pain, poor dream recall, light sensitivity, new paradigm, core beliefs, holistic health care, telehealth, haem dysregulation, haem synthesis, pyrrole disorder, regulatory haem, oxidative stress, Mensah Medical, acne, nail spots, cold hands and feet, inability to tan, low morning appetite, constipation, dyslexia, food sensitivities, gut dysfunction, gut health, sensitivity to light, irritability, temper, prematurely gray hair, frequent infections, poor short term memory, social withdrawal, Lambert study method, DMAB, krytopyrrole, oxidative burst, environmental factors, antioxidant, iron, copper, Weston A. Price organization, personalized nutrition, cytochrome P450 enzymes, heavy metal exposure, stress, bilirubin, bile, liver, portal vein, gallbladder, digestion
Holistic Telehealth: How Does It Work?
Julie Donaldsonholistic telehealth, holistic health, holistic heath practitioner, holistic health care, tailored programs, digital holistic health programs, unique dietary needs, Metabolic Typing®, personalized nutrition, gut heaslth, gut health, mind, body, spirit, wellness, healthy lifestyle, lasting changes
Gluten and Glyphosate - How Gluten Sensitivity and Leaky Gut Happend
Julie Donaldsongluten, gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, holistic health, holistic telehealth, gut health, gliadin, peptides, DPP4, glyphosate, petroleum-based fertilizers, superphosphate fertilizers, heavy metals, minerals, mineral deficiencies, hair & tissue mineral analysis, HTMA, GI Map stool test, anti-TTG blood test, personalized nutrition, Metabolic Typing®, desiccant, leaky gut, microbiome, microbial imbalance, phytates, TEER, trans epithelial electrical resistance, epithelial cells, mucosal barrier, tight junctions, gastrointestinal disease, GI disease, gluteomorphin, morphine-like activity, opiate response, addictive, zonulin, ATP, Krebs cycle, gluten free, sourdouogh, sourdough, prebiotics, butyrate, butyric acid, detoxification, transit time, digestive tract
Is Shilajit A Miracle Compound?
Julie Donaldsonshilajit, holistic health, gut health, cardiovascular disease, pain, brain inflammation, anxiety, low energy, musculoskeletal problems, Ayurvedic medicine, rock exudate, fulvic acid, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, fertility, cholesterol, lipid-reducing, triglycerides, fatty liver disease, antioxidants, SOD, vitamin E, vitamin C, oxidative stress, free radicals, ROS, reactive oxygen species, sperm, infertile, testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone, ovulation, estrus, high altitude sickness, osteoporosis, bone loss, bone health, muscle integrity, regeneration, insulin, pancreas, glucose homeostasis, GABA glycine, inhibitory neurotransmitters, central nervous system, brain stem, spinal cord, cognition, ATP, CoQ10, mitochondria, detox, binders, silica, iron, calcium, copper, lithium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, sodium, zinc, heavy metals, methylation, detoxification, microbiome, mucosal barrier, immune system, inflammatory processes, normalizing effect, nontoxic, adaptogen, mold sickness, skin, synergistic, holistic telehealth, personalized nutrition, Metabolic Typing®, mast cell, histamine
Nuts: Nutrition, Mycotoxins and Delicious Recipes
Julie Donaldsonnuts, tree nuts, mold and mycotoxins, mold, mycotoxins, aspergillus, ochratoxins, aflatoxins, gut health, holistic health, holistic telehealth, mold toxicity, soaking, rinsing, dehydrating, mold and mycotoxin sensitivity, HLA-DR, hypochlorous acid, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, protein, fat, carbohydrate, blood sugar regulation, weight, cardiovascular protection, inflammation, copper, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin E, magnesium, soluble fiber, almonds, walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans, hemp seed, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts, pistachios, pine nuts, detoxification, thyroid health, iron synthesis, Metabolic Type®
Anxiety: Your Gut, Brain, HPA, Detox and Functional Health Care
Julie Donaldsonanxiety, gut, brain, HPA, detox, functional health care, hypothalamus-pituitary axis, mental health, peace, happiness, ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences, well-being, de-stigmatize, neurotransmitters, gut-brain-axis, central nervous system, gut microbiota, dysbiosis, intestinal bowel disease, leaky gut, leaky gut syndrome, microbiome, bacteria, fungi, intestinal permeability, mucosa, inflammatory, autoimmune, cytokins, blood-brain barrier, TNF-alpha, serotonin, dopmaine, neuromodulator, digestive system, healthy gut bacteria, gut motility, probiotics, non-probiotic treatment, immune status, blood tests, Th1, Th2, corticotropic releasing hormone, adenohypophysis, ACTH, cortisol, stress hormone, negative feedback signal, HPA dysregulation, adrenatline, noradrenaline, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, hyperthyroid, panic attacks, methylation, MTHFR, CBS, COMT, glyphosate, heavy metals, pesticides, petrochemicals, B12, B6, zinc, folate, lecithin, selenium, molybdenum, choline, root cause, Metabolic Typing®, nutritional assessment, personalized program, stress, antibiotics, SAS, sympathoadrenal medullary system, anticipatory anxiety, chronic stress, fight-flight-freeze response, individualized nutrition, homeostatic mechanisms, body temperature, blood sugar regulation, gas exchange, respiration, blood pressure, electrolyte status, energy, Catechol-O-Methyltransferase, cognition, enzymes, glucuronidation, telehealth, gut health, holistic health, CBD, anxiety symptoms, doom, danger, irregular heartbeat, holistic health care, pyroluria, holistic telehealth
Bone Loss, Elevated Homocysteine, Individualized Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease: Exploring New Testing and Functional Support
Julie Donaldsonosteoporosis, osteopenia, bone loos, bone loss, homocysteine, individualized nutrition, cardiovascular disease, DEXA scan, TBS, trabecular bone score, collagen, collagenous matrix, extracellular matrix, nitric oxide, calicum, vitamin D, B vitamins, folate, brain, nervous system, mortality, bone density, tensile strength, elasticity, bone integrity, bone formation, bone resorption, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, bone cells, bone remodeling, proteins, bone mineralization, bone mass, risk factors, alcoholism, low BMI, hypogonadism, hyperparathyroidism, IBD, gluten intolerance, neuromuscular disorders, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, ATP, Krebs cycle, minerals, methionine, cysteine, CBS pathway, MTHFR, ROS, reactive oxygen species, oxidative stress, immune responses, MMPs, matrix metalloproteinases, endothelial dysfunction, coronary artery disease, atheros, T score, thyroid, parathyroid, exercise, weight-bearing exercise, toxins, gut health, telehealth, holistic health, holistic telehealth, collagen peptides, OSA, REMS, orthosilicicic acid, radio frequency ecographic multi spectrometry, ultrasound, radiation, grounding, OsteoStrong, personalized nutrition, Julie Donaldson, True Nature Health Consulting
21st Century Self Care: Evaluating Individualized Nutrition vs. Intermittent Fasting
Julie Donaldsonindividualized nutrition, intermittent fasting, self care, personalized nutrition, conventional dietary advice, psychology, behavior, disease, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Metabolic Typing®, metabolic function, ATP, methylation, detoxification, toxins, increased risk of death, gallbladder, gallstones, epigenetics, methyl donors, cell oxidation, heavy metals, redox, innate wisdom of the body, vital organs, pH balance, homeostatic mechanisms, energy, healthier lifestyle, genotypic, phenotypic, DNA, stress chemistry, neurotransmission, over-eating, binge eating, fad diets, functional health practitioner, peroxides, free radicals, individual nutrient requirements, estrogen receptors, leptin, hypothalamus, estrogen methylation, appetite control, motivated, lasting dietary change, personalization of dietary advice, holistic health, holistic telehealth, professional holistic health coaching, DHEA, DHEA-s, gut health, adrenal glands, estrogens, androgens, hormones, hormesis, hormetic process, stressor, physiological change, dose response phenomenon, low-dose stimulation, stress response, hypothalamus-pituitary axis, HPA
Oxalates, Sulfates, and Balances in Methylation and Gut Function
Julie Donaldsonoxalates, sulfates, homocysteine, CBS, transsulfuration, sulfation, neurotransmitters, nervous system disorders, MTHFR, phenolic compounds, SIBO, cysteine, taurine, methionine, glycine, glutamine, glutathione, hormones, toxins, heavy metals, methylation, vitamin B6, calcium, liver, kidneys, gut, Sat1 transport protein, amino acids, fungus, candda, mold, estrogen, arabinose, ASD, autism spectrum disorders, glyphosate, molybdenum, spinach, nuts, chocolate, potatoes, sweet potatoes, grains, SAM, SAH, bones, brain, phase II detoxification, kidney stones, leaky gut syndrome, vulvodynia, vitamin C, glycoxalic acid, GI tract, mucous membrane, hyperoxaluria type II, autoimmune disease, pain, joints, sulfur rich foods, fatty liver, cholesterol, pesticides, gas, diarrhea, constipation, IBS, oxalate deposition, hydrogen sulfide, Sat1 transporter, dysbiosis, holistic health, gut health, holistic health care, telehealth, holistic telehealth
Connecting The Dots Between Nitric Oxide and True Gut Health
Julie DonaldsonMetabolic Typing®, nitric oxide, nitrates, nitrites, GI tract, digestion, leaky gut syndrome, mucosal barrier, GERD, gastoesophageal reflux disease, antibiotic, PPIs, proton pump inhibitors, stomach acid, endotheium, gut health, L-arginine, inflammation, inflammatory bowel disease, NOS, oxidative stress, cytokines, ROS, mast cell activation, large intestines, small intestine, SIBO, simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, bile, esophagus, oral biome, microbiome, antacids, HCL, sphincters, reflux, saliva, mouthwash, oral antiseptics, amino acid, protein, toxins, methylation, cardiovascular health, holistic health, telehealth, holistic telehealth