Brilliant Gut Health With Spore Biotics and Ancient Mineral Acids
Julie Donaldsonspore biotics vs. probiotics, spore biotics, soil spores, probiotics, humic acid, gut health, holisitc health, bacillus, colonization, GI tract, adhesion, bio-therapeutic properties, diversity, microbiome, antimicrobial, antioxidant, immune modulation, biofilm reduction, toxin protection, cell survival, glutathione, gut permeability, anti-cancer, cholesterol regulation, fibrinogen inhibition, candida inhibition, spleen, lymphocyte support, diarrhea, gingivitis, pathogen reduction, dysbiosis amelioration, beneficial microbial population, intestinal mucosa, monoculture, Vandana Shiva, Dr. Zach Bush, ION Gut Health, glyphosate, redox, humic extract, saccharomyces boulardii, akkermansia, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, mucins, mucus, personalized nutrition, MT®, stool testing, maintenance protocols, body/mind care, nervous system, core belief system, holistic telehealth, True Nature Health Consulting, leaky gut, tight junctions, phyla bacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, SCFAs, short chain fatty acids, epithelial barrier, gut homeostasis, Julie Donaldson, biofilm, redox molecules, liquid circuit board, when probiotics matter, multiple sclerosis, colorectal cancer, pH balance, remodeling of the microbiome, immunity
Anxiety: Your Gut, Brain, HPA, Detox and Functional Health Care
Julie Donaldsonanxiety, gut, brain, HPA, detox, functional health care, hypothalamus-pituitary axis, mental health, peace, happiness, ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences, well-being, de-stigmatize, neurotransmitters, gut-brain-axis, central nervous system, gut microbiota, dysbiosis, intestinal bowel disease, leaky gut, leaky gut syndrome, microbiome, bacteria, fungi, intestinal permeability, mucosa, inflammatory, autoimmune, cytokins, blood-brain barrier, TNF-alpha, serotonin, dopmaine, neuromodulator, digestive system, healthy gut bacteria, gut motility, probiotics, non-probiotic treatment, immune status, blood tests, Th1, Th2, corticotropic releasing hormone, adenohypophysis, ACTH, cortisol, stress hormone, negative feedback signal, HPA dysregulation, adrenatline, noradrenaline, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, hyperthyroid, panic attacks, methylation, MTHFR, CBS, COMT, glyphosate, heavy metals, pesticides, petrochemicals, B12, B6, zinc, folate, lecithin, selenium, molybdenum, choline, root cause, Metabolic Typing®, nutritional assessment, personalized program, stress, antibiotics, SAS, sympathoadrenal medullary system, anticipatory anxiety, chronic stress, fight-flight-freeze response, individualized nutrition, homeostatic mechanisms, body temperature, blood sugar regulation, gas exchange, respiration, blood pressure, electrolyte status, energy, Catechol-O-Methyltransferase, cognition, enzymes, glucuronidation, telehealth, gut health, holistic health, CBD, anxiety symptoms, doom, danger, irregular heartbeat, holistic health care, pyroluria, holistic telehealth
The Genetic Microbiome, Genetic Metabolic Type® and Your Healthiest Gut
Julie Donaldsongenetic microbiome, Metabolic Typing®, Metabolic Type®, healthy gut, GI tract, phyla bacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroides, PCR assay, individualized nutrition, individual nutrient requirements, ecological nutrition, high fiber diets, complex carbohydrates, insulin sensitivity, GI dysfunction, maldigestion, hypochlorhydria, spore biotics vs. probiotics, probiotics, spore biotics, lactobacillus, seasonal crops, microbiome diversity, protein, fat, carbohdyrates, complex carbohydrate digesters, Krebs cycle, nervous system, anabolic, catabolic, electrolytes, Inuit, Bacteroidetes, homeostatic mechanisms, GERD, immunity, transformational health partnership, targeted healing approaches, telehealth, holistic health
Spore Biotics vs. Probiotics: Quorum Sensing and Individualizing the Microbiome
Julie Donaldsonspore biotics, Bacillus, probiotics, stomach acid, bile salts, anaerobic, aerobic, laboratory grown, soil spores, healthy soil, lipopolysaccharides, microbiome, endospore, stomach, small intestine, large intestines, quorum sensing, LPS, triglycerides, cardiovascular disease, fatty liver disease, dormant, spore formers, insulin, glucagon, self signaling molecules, natural antibiotics, gram negative bacteria, gram positive bacteria, hospitable environment, inflammatory cytokines, IBD, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's Disease, ulcerative colitis, histamine, mast cell, urinary infection, hyperlipidemia, leaky gut, lymphatic system, white blood cells, gene expression, cell densities, glyphosate, SIBO, cold & flu, allergies, asthma, genotoxic compounds, blood brain barrier, spore biotics vs. probiotics, transient period, post-production testing, GRAS, C. difficile, brush border, Alzheimer's disease, telehealth, holistic telehealth
Optimal Health and Your Gut Integrity: Keys to Individual Success
Julie Donaldsongut health, microbiome, microbiome diversity, digestion, probiotics, ecological nutrition, hydrochloric acid, HCL, Peyers' patches, immune system, glucoronidation, aluminum, bile production, toxins, mucosal barrier, assimilation, stomach acid, heavy metals, SIBO, parasites, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, H pylori, SCD, Metabolic Typing®, zinc, intestinal microbiome, holistic telehealth
Why Leaky Gut Isn't Just About Food
Julie Donaldsonleaky gut syndrome, IBS, irritable bowel syndrom, methylation, detoxification, hormone toxicity, H pylori, retrovirus, viruses, food sensitivities, probiotics, autoimmune, microbiome diversity, ATP, heavy metal toxicities, chemical toxicity, skin conditions, joint pain, brain fog, fatigue, mood disorders, stress, zinc deficiency, fungal infections, liver, gallbladder, bile, biochemical individuality