Posts tagged mucosal barrier
Weight, the GLP-1 Craze, Natural Alternatives and Your Brain
Julie Donaldsonweight, overweight, GLP-1, GLP-1 receptor agonists, brain, Ozempic®, Trulicity®, Rybelsus®, injections, medications, natural alternatives, obesity, hard-wired, hunter-gatherer societies, sedentary, genetics, fat, sugar, carbohydrates, nutrients, high flavor profile, unconscious, dopamine, neurotransmitter, basal ganglia, lipostat, set point, cancer, asthma, arthritis, sleep apnea, heart diseaes, heart disease, depression, sleep, low energy, inflammation, hypothalamus, leptin, leptin resistance, diabetes, chronic stsress, amygdala, Glucagon-Like-Peptide-1, peptides, proteins, building blocks, cell signaling, immune modulators, gut, short chain fatty acids, SCFAs, food noise, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypoglycemia, insulin, blood glucose, gastroparesis, pancreatitis, thyroid cancer, vision loss, reduced libido, suicidal ideation, hormone, microbiome, appetite, satiety, butyrate, proprionate, acetate, metabolic syndrome, akkermansia muciniphila, bifidobacterium infantis, clostridium infantis, metabolic health, mucin, mucosal barrier, microbiome transplant, fecal transplant, colonization, sun exposure, Vagus nerve, NTS, nucleus tractus solitarius, NEAT, non-exercise activity thermogenesis, MT®, personalized nutrition, core belief work, de-stress, ralaxation, brain healing, individualized testing, holistic telehealth, Julie Donaldson, EWG 2024 "Dirty Dozen", pesticides, BMI, Body Mass Index, type 2 diabetes, sunchokes, asparagus, holistic health, human unconscious behavior, functional health management, VDR, Vitamin D Receptors, ROS, reactive oxygen species, dysbiosis, oxidative stress
Gluten and Glyphosate - How Gluten Sensitivity and Leaky Gut Happend
Julie Donaldsongluten, gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, holistic health, holistic telehealth, gut health, gliadin, peptides, DPP4, glyphosate, petroleum-based fertilizers, superphosphate fertilizers, heavy metals, minerals, mineral deficiencies, hair & tissue mineral analysis, HTMA, GI Map stool test, anti-TTG blood test, personalized nutrition, Metabolic Typing®, desiccant, leaky gut, microbiome, microbial imbalance, phytates, TEER, trans epithelial electrical resistance, epithelial cells, mucosal barrier, tight junctions, gastrointestinal disease, GI disease, gluteomorphin, morphine-like activity, opiate response, addictive, zonulin, ATP, Krebs cycle, gluten free, sourdouogh, sourdough, prebiotics, butyrate, butyric acid, detoxification, transit time, digestive tract
Is Shilajit A Miracle Compound?
Julie Donaldsonshilajit, holistic health, gut health, cardiovascular disease, pain, brain inflammation, anxiety, low energy, musculoskeletal problems, Ayurvedic medicine, rock exudate, fulvic acid, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, fertility, cholesterol, lipid-reducing, triglycerides, fatty liver disease, antioxidants, SOD, vitamin E, vitamin C, oxidative stress, free radicals, ROS, reactive oxygen species, sperm, infertile, testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone, ovulation, estrus, high altitude sickness, osteoporosis, bone loss, bone health, muscle integrity, regeneration, insulin, pancreas, glucose homeostasis, GABA glycine, inhibitory neurotransmitters, central nervous system, brain stem, spinal cord, cognition, ATP, CoQ10, mitochondria, detox, binders, silica, iron, calcium, copper, lithium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, sodium, zinc, heavy metals, methylation, detoxification, microbiome, mucosal barrier, immune system, inflammatory processes, normalizing effect, nontoxic, adaptogen, mold sickness, skin, synergistic, holistic telehealth, personalized nutrition, Metabolic Typing®, mast cell, histamine
The Neuroimmune Loop: Th1, Th2, Histamine, Microglial Cells and the Vagus Nerve
Julie Donaldsonneurological impairment, neuroinflammation, neuroimmune loop, Vagus nerve, body inflammation, brain inflammation, tissue hypoxia, cardiovascular events, nitric oxide, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, stress chemistry, mold, mycotoxins, chemical toxicity, pathogens, RA, Crohn's Disease, TBI, traumatic brain injury, PTSK, PTSD, histamine, detoxification, microglial cell activation, neuronal death, phosphatidyl serine, PS, CNS, central nervous system, ATP, glymphatic system, cytokines, TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, Th1, Th2, neuronal metabolic integrity, MS, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, brain fog, migraines, mood swings, neuropathy, essential tremors, tics, numbness, tingling, balance, mast cell activation, GI inflammation, mitochondrial DNA, mDNA, blood brain barrier, mucosal barrier, insomnia, sthma, skin conditions, interstitial cystitis, allergies, IBS, alcohol, MAO/DAO, ALDH, histamine intolerance, parasympathetic nervous system, digestion, heart rate, respiratory rate, vasomotor activity, sympathetic nervous system, afferent, sensory informatiaon, enteroendocrine signaling, enteric reflex, intestinal permeability, tight junctions, fight/flight response, SIBO, gut motility, leaky gut, weight gain, fatigue, blood sugar dysregulation, Metabolic Typing®, individualized nutrition, homeostatic mechanisms, Krebs cycle, cellular respiration, mitochondria, carbon dioxide, nutrients, energy, cravings, hunger, mental clarity, TENS, vagus nerve stimulation, neuronal firing, brain-gut axis, enteric nervous system, ENS, symptom assessment, binaural beat therapy, Th2 cell proliferation, afferent function, emotions, telehealth, holistic telehealth
Connecting The Dots Between Nitric Oxide and True Gut Health
Julie DonaldsonMetabolic Typing®, nitric oxide, nitrates, nitrites, GI tract, digestion, leaky gut syndrome, mucosal barrier, GERD, gastoesophageal reflux disease, antibiotic, PPIs, proton pump inhibitors, stomach acid, endotheium, gut health, L-arginine, inflammation, inflammatory bowel disease, NOS, oxidative stress, cytokines, ROS, mast cell activation, large intestines, small intestine, SIBO, simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, bile, esophagus, oral biome, microbiome, antacids, HCL, sphincters, reflux, saliva, mouthwash, oral antiseptics, amino acid, protein, toxins, methylation, cardiovascular health, holistic health, telehealth, holistic telehealth
H. pylori, Hormones and Your Gut Health
Julie DonaldsonH pylori, gram negative bacteria, hormones, virulence factor, progesterone, cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine, arachidonic acid, adrenal health, liver health, steroidal hormones, nausea, vomiting, black stools, bleeding, bloating, abdominal pain, irritable bowel, anemia, PCR assay, linoleic acid, infection, urease, carbon dioxide, ammonia, fatigue, aluminum, pregnenolone, endocytic, virulence factors, chemotaxis, stomach cancer, gram negative, DEA, EA, estrone, phospholipids, cell drinking, cell eating, inflammation, mucosal barrier, immunity, leaky gut, food sensitivities, fermentation, malabsorption, hypochlorhydria, hydrochloric acid, gut membrane integrity, cell membrane integrity, detoxification, chronic stress, brain-gut axis, neurotransmission, cognitive dysfunction, memory, anxiety, depression, gut health, holistic telehealth, oral contact
Optimal Health and Your Gut Integrity: Keys to Individual Success
Julie Donaldsongut health, microbiome, microbiome diversity, digestion, probiotics, ecological nutrition, hydrochloric acid, HCL, Peyers' patches, immune system, glucoronidation, aluminum, bile production, toxins, mucosal barrier, assimilation, stomach acid, heavy metals, SIBO, parasites, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, H pylori, SCD, Metabolic Typing®, zinc, intestinal microbiome, holistic telehealth