Posts tagged nitric oxide
The Truth About Antioxidants: Know Before You Swallow!
Julie Donaldsonantioxidants, ergothioneine, molecular hydrogen, H2, EGT, antioxidant defense system, vitamin E, beta-carotene, vitamin C, cancer, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, scavenge, ROS, nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species, NO, SOD, superoxide dismutase, endothelial stress, oxidative stress, homeostasis, adaptive, induclble, transporters, vital organs, spleen, eyes, cerebrospinal fluid, mother's milk, amniotic fluid, seminal fluid, blood-brain barrier, anti-senescent, anti-inflammatory, anti-neurodegenerative, mitochondrial respiration, sleep architecture, antioxidant super systems network, white matter, Alzheimer's disease, personalized nutrition, anti-aging, free radicals, hydroxyl, peroxynitrite, magnesium, malic acid, hormetic, hormetic stress, MT®, holistic telehealth, Julie Donaldson, Nrf2, immune-modulating, IL-6, exercise performance, joint diseases, mushrooms, chelates, metals, iron, copper, low molecular weight
Black Seed Oil and Its Incredible Healing Properties
Julie Donaldsonblack seed oil, COVID-19, diabetes, fatty liver disease, cardiovascular disease, bacterial infections, viruses, HPV, antimicrobial, co-infections, terpene, zinc ionospher, thymoquinone, thymohydroquinone, thymol, ACE inhibitor, hydroxychloroquine, dyspepsia, ulcers, thyroid hormones, cholesterol, cancer protective, pyroluria, oxytocin, holistic telehealth, mood disorders, insomnia, sleep disturbances, sleep, melatonin, melatonin receptors, agonist, retinal, retina, pineal gland, fluoride, calcification of the pineal gland, GABA, nitric oxide, oxygenation, acetylcholine, glutamate, wakefulness, circadian rhythms, sleepiness, anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, mania, immunomodulatory, serotonin, inflammatory cytokines, TNF-ɑ, IL-6, prostaglandins, PGE2, arachidonic acid, BDNF, Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor, neuroimmune loop, immune system, Vagus nerve, brain, nervous system, neurotransmitters, microbiome, sleep duration, cognitive decline, dementia
Cholesterol and the Big Fat Myths
Julie Donaldsoncholesterol, myths, saturated fat, CVD, cardiovascular disease, personalized nutrition, fatty acids, LDL, HDL, total cholesterol, endotoxin load, chronic low-grade inflammation, chronic inflammation, taurine, diet dogma, healthy bacteria, gut, heart attack, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, blood vessels, red blood cells, endocalyx, cholesterol sulfate, sunlight exposure, vitamin D, vitamin K, mortality rates, holistic health, arteries, capillaries, plaque, frictionless surface, bacteria, viruses, molds, fungi, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, obesity, statins, atherosclerosis, co-Q10, triglycerides, foam cells, macrophage, alcohol consumption, excessive nutrient intake, methylation, methyl donors, liver, muscles, homocysteine, betaine, choline, methionine, meat, eggs, dairy, grains, beets, spinach, beans, MT®, CYP enzymes, bile acids, bile ducts, bergamot, artichoke, NAC, glyphosate, cruciferous vegetables, glutathione, glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, MSM, holistic telehealth, muscle, energy, low cholesterol, neuropsychiatric diseases, cell membrane, permeability, homeostasis, neuronal injury, neuropsychiatric disorders, depression, anxiety, bowels, kidneys, bladder, detoxification, solutions, ATP, Krebs cycle, nitric oxide
The Science Behind Successful Sleep - Day and Nighttime Practices for Success
Julie Donaldsonmoderate exercise, perceived stress, stress response, sleep, healthy sleep, Autonomic Nervous System, sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system, circadian rhythms, melatonin, pineal gland, ATP, mitochondria, energy production, l-theanine, liposomal melatonin, Wifi, blue light, yellow light, bright light, sunrise, sunset, midday sunlight, MT, Metabolic Typing®, breathing techniques, heart rate, blood pressure, fight or flight, relaxation, meditation, eyes, direct sunlight, depression, anxiety, high intensity exercise, REM, non-REM, lions mane, ROS, reactive oxygen species, SCN, suprachiasmatic nuclei, lungs, digestive tract, Vagus nerve, cranial nerves, Krebs cycle, personalized nutrition, mitochondrial respiration, homeostatic mechanisms, metabolic processes, restorative sleep, digestion, gut, liver, kidneys, brain, holistic health, holistic telehealth, immune function, cellular repair, mood modulation, oxidative stress, fluoride, blood-brain barrier, excitatory transmitter, glutamate, GABA, black seed oil, melatonin receptors, calcification of the pineal gland, nitric oxide, neurotransmitter, acetylcholine
PMS, the Immune System and Metabolic Typing® with William Wolcott
Julie DonaldsonMT, Metabolic Typing®, personalized nutrition, ATP, holistic health, holistic telehealth, PMS, William Wolcott, The Metabolic Typing Diet, reproductive cycle, menstruation, homeostatic mechanisms, health, disease, Krebs cycle, mitochondrial respiration, metabolic individuality, homeostasis, engines of metabolism, energy, mood, hormonal shift, metabolic type, immune system, endocrine system, immune cell types, immune pathways, pathogenic stresses, endometrium, endometriosis, heavy bleeding, tissue breakdown, remodeling, repair, Natural killer cells, macrophages, neutrophils, mast cells, dendritic cells, T-regs, natural inflammatory process, leukocytes, autophagy, NKCs, histamine, heparin, blood-thinning, endothelial cells, retrograde menstruation, fallopian tubes, abdomen, pain, pelvic cavity, irregular contractions, epithelium, blood vessels, monocytes, oxidative stress, secretory phase, sex glands, adrenal glands, estrogen, progresterone, individual nutrition, glycocalyx, testing immune markers in the blood, nitric oxide, nitric oxide synthesis, COVID-19, infections, vaccinations, infection, vaccination
Bone Loss, Elevated Homocysteine, Individualized Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease: Exploring New Testing and Functional Support
Julie Donaldsonosteoporosis, osteopenia, bone loos, bone loss, homocysteine, individualized nutrition, cardiovascular disease, DEXA scan, TBS, trabecular bone score, collagen, collagenous matrix, extracellular matrix, nitric oxide, calicum, vitamin D, B vitamins, folate, brain, nervous system, mortality, bone density, tensile strength, elasticity, bone integrity, bone formation, bone resorption, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, bone cells, bone remodeling, proteins, bone mineralization, bone mass, risk factors, alcoholism, low BMI, hypogonadism, hyperparathyroidism, IBD, gluten intolerance, neuromuscular disorders, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, ATP, Krebs cycle, minerals, methionine, cysteine, CBS pathway, MTHFR, ROS, reactive oxygen species, oxidative stress, immune responses, MMPs, matrix metalloproteinases, endothelial dysfunction, coronary artery disease, atheros, T score, thyroid, parathyroid, exercise, weight-bearing exercise, toxins, gut health, telehealth, holistic health, holistic telehealth, collagen peptides, OSA, REMS, orthosilicicic acid, radio frequency ecographic multi spectrometry, ultrasound, radiation, grounding, OsteoStrong, personalized nutrition, Julie Donaldson, True Nature Health Consulting
The Neuroimmune Loop: Th1, Th2, Histamine, Microglial Cells and the Vagus Nerve
Julie Donaldsonneurological impairment, neuroinflammation, neuroimmune loop, Vagus nerve, body inflammation, brain inflammation, tissue hypoxia, cardiovascular events, nitric oxide, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, stress chemistry, mold, mycotoxins, chemical toxicity, pathogens, RA, Crohn's Disease, TBI, traumatic brain injury, PTSK, PTSD, histamine, detoxification, microglial cell activation, neuronal death, phosphatidyl serine, PS, CNS, central nervous system, ATP, glymphatic system, cytokines, TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, Th1, Th2, neuronal metabolic integrity, MS, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, brain fog, migraines, mood swings, neuropathy, essential tremors, tics, numbness, tingling, balance, mast cell activation, GI inflammation, mitochondrial DNA, mDNA, blood brain barrier, mucosal barrier, insomnia, sthma, skin conditions, interstitial cystitis, allergies, IBS, alcohol, MAO/DAO, ALDH, histamine intolerance, parasympathetic nervous system, digestion, heart rate, respiratory rate, vasomotor activity, sympathetic nervous system, afferent, sensory informatiaon, enteroendocrine signaling, enteric reflex, intestinal permeability, tight junctions, fight/flight response, SIBO, gut motility, leaky gut, weight gain, fatigue, blood sugar dysregulation, Metabolic Typing®, individualized nutrition, homeostatic mechanisms, Krebs cycle, cellular respiration, mitochondria, carbon dioxide, nutrients, energy, cravings, hunger, mental clarity, TENS, vagus nerve stimulation, neuronal firing, brain-gut axis, enteric nervous system, ENS, symptom assessment, binaural beat therapy, Th2 cell proliferation, afferent function, emotions, telehealth, holistic telehealth
Connecting The Dots Between Nitric Oxide and True Gut Health
Julie DonaldsonMetabolic Typing®, nitric oxide, nitrates, nitrites, GI tract, digestion, leaky gut syndrome, mucosal barrier, GERD, gastoesophageal reflux disease, antibiotic, PPIs, proton pump inhibitors, stomach acid, endotheium, gut health, L-arginine, inflammation, inflammatory bowel disease, NOS, oxidative stress, cytokines, ROS, mast cell activation, large intestines, small intestine, SIBO, simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, bile, esophagus, oral biome, microbiome, antacids, HCL, sphincters, reflux, saliva, mouthwash, oral antiseptics, amino acid, protein, toxins, methylation, cardiovascular health, holistic health, telehealth, holistic telehealth
The Glycocalyx: A Little Known Connection with Heart Disease, Diabetes, Coronavirus, Digestion and Immune Health
Julie Donaldsonglycocalyx, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, coronavirus, SARS CoV-2, diabetes, immune system, autoimmune, digestion, immune health, atheroscerosis, thrombosis, ARDS, microvascular disease, endotheium, endothelial cells, nitric oxide, platelet adherence, cholesterol, microbes, arterial plaque, hyperhomocysteinemia, LDL, superoxide dismutase, SOD, ECM, extracellular matrix, interstitial fluid, microvilli, vasa vasorum, sepsis, spirochetes, chlamydia, herpes, cytomegalovirus, CMV, vasoconstriction, capillaries, COVID-19, edema, hyperglycemia, complement activation, Rhamnan sulfate, sulfated polysaccharide, Monostroma nitidium, TNF-alpha, alveolar macrophages, cytokine storm, ACE2 receptor, holistic health, telehealth, personalized nutrition, targeted testing, therapeutic protocols, holistic telehealth
Nitric Oxide: Heart Disease, Diabetes, Immune Function and What You Need to Know About This Critical Compound
Julie Donaldsonnitric oxide, NO, CVD, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, insulin, endotheium, immune system, circulation, microcirculation, PPIs, proton pump inhibitors, methylation, BH4, biome, microbiome, HCL, UV light, sun exposure, individualized nutrition, nitrates, nitrites, saliva, NOS, L-arginine, oxygen, oxidative stress, advanced glycosylation end products, vascular complications, glucose, lifestyle, GLUT 4, T cells, neutrophils, monocytes, atheroscerosis, L-citrulline, MTHFR, over methylation, under methylation, neuropathy, sleep, stem cell differentiation, vasodilation, ATP, Metabolic Typing®, cognitive decline, BDNF, Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, neuroprotective, exercise, endurance, neurotransmission, holistic health, genetic methylation defects, telehealth, personalized nutrition, holistic telehealth