Herpes Viruses and Dementia Risk: What We Know About This Neuroimmune Stress
Julie Donaldsonherpes, HSV, HSV-2, HSV-1, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, AD, neuroimmune stress, neuroimmune looping, herpes simplex virus, HSV infection, viral shedding, capsid, replication, immune system, chronic latent viral infection, ATP, neurodegenerative disease, amyloid plaque, tau, women, MCI, mild cognitive impairment, body inflammation, brain inflammation, stress chemistry, neuroinflammation, microglial cell activation, neuronal death, MT®, personalized nutrition, thymus gland, Tregs, regulatory T-cells, T-cells, Th1, Th2, pathogens, toxins, T-cell receptor, TCR, cytokines, IL-10, interleukin 10, STAT3, S{, SPMs, special pro resolving mediators, omega 3's, vitamin D, relaxation, sun exposure, exercise, NKCs, Natural killer cells, adaptive immune system
Toxins Are Everywhere, Making Us Obese, Diabetic and Low-Energy
Julie Donaldsontoxins, obesity, diabetes, low-energy, obese, diabetic, environmental toxins, air, water, soil, food, toxic chemicals, cancer, brain, nervous system, birth defects, abnormal fetal development, pathogens, epigenetic influences, micro plastics, PFAS, BPAs, heavy metals, oxidative stress, polyfuoroalkyl substances, "forever chemicals", textiles, non-stick pans, liver and kidney damage, EWG, Environmental Working Group, municipal water, freshwater fish, mitochondrial dysfunction, ATP, metabolic homeostasis, BPA, insulin, insulin resistance, fat cells, cardiovascular disease, pro-inflammatory environment, Metabolic Typing®, free radicals, antioxidants, MT®, biochemistry, detoxification, ghee, butyrate, lipophilic-mediated detoxification, Nrf-2, RO, reverse osmosis
Glutathione - Your Body's Major Health-Protecting Powerhouse
Julie Donaldsonglutathione, antioxidant, cancer protection, oxidative stress, detoxification, phase I liver detoxification, phase II detoxification, holistic health, holistic telehealth, glutamic acid, glycine, cysteine, NAC, N-acetyl cysteine, GSSG, GSH, reduced glutathione, mitochondria, mitochondrial respiration, ATP, genetics, disease, toxins, environment, methylation, heavy metal toxicity, mold toxicity, under-methylation, TGF-beta, fibrosis, inflammation, TGF-ß, chemicals, hormone metabolites, xenobiotics, neurological, cardiovascular, metabolic, glandular, GGT, gamma glutamyl transferase, sublingual form, liver, buccal mucosa, hepatic first-pass effect
Alzheimer's Disease/Dementia: Oxidative Stress, Vitamin D and Metal Ion Levels
Julie DonaldsonAlzheimer's disease, dementia, vitamin D, zinc, copper, iron, oxidative stress, pollution, radiation, toxins, pesticides, heavy metals, diet, lifestyle, inophores, iron chelator, curcumin, quercetin, Metabolic Typing®, individualized nutrition, blood sugar regulation, pathogens, immune system, trace minerals, gray matter, trace mineral, brain hemoglobin, amyloid Beta, Aβ, cytoplasm, extracellular, intracellular, glutamate, cortex, memory, cognition, ATP, ROS, reactive oxygen species, neurons, glial cells, solutions, holistic health, holistic telehealth, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, stroke, pH, blood brain barrier, personalized nutrition
Bone Loss, Elevated Homocysteine, Individualized Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease: Exploring New Testing and Functional Support
Julie Donaldsonosteoporosis, osteopenia, bone loos, bone loss, homocysteine, individualized nutrition, cardiovascular disease, DEXA scan, TBS, trabecular bone score, collagen, collagenous matrix, extracellular matrix, nitric oxide, calicum, vitamin D, B vitamins, folate, brain, nervous system, mortality, bone density, tensile strength, elasticity, bone integrity, bone formation, bone resorption, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, bone cells, bone remodeling, proteins, bone mineralization, bone mass, risk factors, alcoholism, low BMI, hypogonadism, hyperparathyroidism, IBD, gluten intolerance, neuromuscular disorders, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, ATP, Krebs cycle, minerals, methionine, cysteine, CBS pathway, MTHFR, ROS, reactive oxygen species, oxidative stress, immune responses, MMPs, matrix metalloproteinases, endothelial dysfunction, coronary artery disease, atheros, T score, thyroid, parathyroid, exercise, weight-bearing exercise, toxins, gut health, telehealth, holistic health, holistic telehealth, collagen peptides, OSA, REMS, orthosilicicic acid, radio frequency ecographic multi spectrometry, ultrasound, radiation, grounding, OsteoStrong, personalized nutrition, Julie Donaldson, True Nature Health Consulting
21st Century Self Care: Evaluating Individualized Nutrition vs. Intermittent Fasting
Julie Donaldsonindividualized nutrition, intermittent fasting, self care, personalized nutrition, conventional dietary advice, psychology, behavior, disease, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Metabolic Typing®, metabolic function, ATP, methylation, detoxification, toxins, increased risk of death, gallbladder, gallstones, epigenetics, methyl donors, cell oxidation, heavy metals, redox, innate wisdom of the body, vital organs, pH balance, homeostatic mechanisms, energy, healthier lifestyle, genotypic, phenotypic, DNA, stress chemistry, neurotransmission, over-eating, binge eating, fad diets, functional health practitioner, peroxides, free radicals, individual nutrient requirements, estrogen receptors, leptin, hypothalamus, estrogen methylation, appetite control, motivated, lasting dietary change, personalization of dietary advice, holistic health, holistic telehealth, professional holistic health coaching, DHEA, DHEA-s, gut health, adrenal glands, estrogens, androgens, hormones, hormesis, hormetic process, stressor, physiological change, dose response phenomenon, low-dose stimulation, stress response, hypothalamus-pituitary axis, HPA
Healthy Fat vs. Fat Storage: What's Really Needed and What's in the Way
Julie Donaldsonfat, leptin, hypothalmus, Metabolic Typing®, individualized nutrition, toxins, methylation, thyroid, hypothyroid, metabolism, fat storage, triglycerides, inflammation, hormones, vital organs, body temperature, T cells, innate immune response, enterocytes, glycocalyx, endothelial cells, leptin resistance, insulin resistance, glucose, glycogen, lipogenesis, glucose-insulin response, digestion, grazing, sleep, exercise, cortisol, stress, adipose tissue, brain, nervous system, calories, BMI, Body Mass Index, holistic telehealth
Oxalates, Sulfates, and Balances in Methylation and Gut Function
Julie Donaldsonoxalates, sulfates, homocysteine, CBS, transsulfuration, sulfation, neurotransmitters, nervous system disorders, MTHFR, phenolic compounds, SIBO, cysteine, taurine, methionine, glycine, glutamine, glutathione, hormones, toxins, heavy metals, methylation, vitamin B6, calcium, liver, kidneys, gut, Sat1 transport protein, amino acids, fungus, candda, mold, estrogen, arabinose, ASD, autism spectrum disorders, glyphosate, molybdenum, spinach, nuts, chocolate, potatoes, sweet potatoes, grains, SAM, SAH, bones, brain, phase II detoxification, kidney stones, leaky gut syndrome, vulvodynia, vitamin C, glycoxalic acid, GI tract, mucous membrane, hyperoxaluria type II, autoimmune disease, pain, joints, sulfur rich foods, fatty liver, cholesterol, pesticides, gas, diarrhea, constipation, IBS, oxalate deposition, hydrogen sulfide, Sat1 transporter, dysbiosis, holistic health, gut health, holistic health care, telehealth, holistic telehealth
Connecting The Dots Between Nitric Oxide and True Gut Health
Julie DonaldsonMetabolic Typing®, nitric oxide, nitrates, nitrites, GI tract, digestion, leaky gut syndrome, mucosal barrier, GERD, gastoesophageal reflux disease, antibiotic, PPIs, proton pump inhibitors, stomach acid, endotheium, gut health, L-arginine, inflammation, inflammatory bowel disease, NOS, oxidative stress, cytokines, ROS, mast cell activation, large intestines, small intestine, SIBO, simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, bile, esophagus, oral biome, microbiome, antacids, HCL, sphincters, reflux, saliva, mouthwash, oral antiseptics, amino acid, protein, toxins, methylation, cardiovascular health, holistic health, telehealth, holistic telehealth
Melatonin, Blue Light and Insulin: Optimizing Sleep and Blood Sugar
Julie Donaldsoninsulin resistance, melatonin, leaky gut, circadian rhythms, blue light, blue light blockers, TV, smart phones, computers, homeostatic mechanisms, blood sugar regulation, pineal gland, Metabolic Typing®, individualized nutrition, biochemical individuality, pathogens, toxins, pancreatic beta cells, vagus nerve, motility, holistic telehealth, gut health, holistic health, mood modulation, weight, blood sugar
Optimal Health and Your Gut Integrity: Keys to Individual Success
Julie Donaldsongut health, microbiome, microbiome diversity, digestion, probiotics, ecological nutrition, hydrochloric acid, HCL, Peyers' patches, immune system, glucoronidation, aluminum, bile production, toxins, mucosal barrier, assimilation, stomach acid, heavy metals, SIBO, parasites, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, H pylori, SCD, Metabolic Typing®, zinc, intestinal microbiome, holistic telehealth