Your Brain and Microplastics: Science and Solutions
Julie Donaldsonmicroplastics, brain, dementia, environmental challenge, polyethylene, polymers, uric acid, liver, kidneys, water supplies, fat, blood-brain barrier, clearance systems, detox, lungs, arteries, hearts, placenta, breast milk, penis, testicles, toxic, plastic polymers, methylation, cancer, meat, plant based diets, plant-based meat options, plant foods, aptamers, chemical antibodies, foreign substances, pyrimidines, purines, nucleotide, autophagy, mitophagy, metabolic individuality, pentose phosphate pathway, Krebs cycle, oxidative functions, redox systems, antioxidants, MT®, personalized nutrition, gout, dehydration, metabolic diseases, kidney disease, systemic inflammation, thyroid and/or parathyroid diseases, acidosis, B12 deficiency, solutions, holistic health, nucleotide salvage pathway, liver cancer, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, biliary tract cancer, endocrine cancers, pancreatic cancer, glyphosate, organic, hydroponics, genetic tests, mutations, epipenetics, holistic telehealth, Julie Donaldson,, pesticides, gluten intolerance, fruit, fructose, avoid detoxes, True Nature Health Consulting
The Truth About Antioxidants: Know Before You Swallow!
Julie Donaldsonantioxidants, ergothioneine, molecular hydrogen, H2, EGT, antioxidant defense system, vitamin E, beta-carotene, vitamin C, cancer, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, scavenge, ROS, nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species, NO, SOD, superoxide dismutase, endothelial stress, oxidative stress, homeostasis, adaptive, induclble, transporters, vital organs, spleen, eyes, cerebrospinal fluid, mother's milk, amniotic fluid, seminal fluid, blood-brain barrier, anti-senescent, anti-inflammatory, anti-neurodegenerative, mitochondrial respiration, sleep architecture, antioxidant super systems network, white matter, Alzheimer's disease, personalized nutrition, anti-aging, free radicals, hydroxyl, peroxynitrite, magnesium, malic acid, hormetic, hormetic stress, MT®, holistic telehealth, Julie Donaldson, Nrf2, immune-modulating, IL-6, exercise performance, joint diseases, mushrooms, chelates, metals, iron, copper, low molecular weight
Black Seed Oil and Its Incredible Healing Properties
Julie Donaldsonblack seed oil, COVID-19, diabetes, fatty liver disease, cardiovascular disease, bacterial infections, viruses, HPV, antimicrobial, co-infections, terpene, zinc ionospher, thymoquinone, thymohydroquinone, thymol, ACE inhibitor, hydroxychloroquine, dyspepsia, ulcers, thyroid hormones, cholesterol, cancer protective, pyroluria, oxytocin, holistic telehealth, mood disorders, insomnia, sleep disturbances, sleep, melatonin, melatonin receptors, agonist, retinal, retina, pineal gland, fluoride, calcification of the pineal gland, GABA, nitric oxide, oxygenation, acetylcholine, glutamate, wakefulness, circadian rhythms, sleepiness, anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, mania, immunomodulatory, serotonin, inflammatory cytokines, TNF-ɑ, IL-6, prostaglandins, PGE2, arachidonic acid, BDNF, Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor, neuroimmune loop, immune system, Vagus nerve, brain, nervous system, neurotransmitters, microbiome, sleep duration, cognitive decline, dementia
The Power of Metabolic Typing® - Reaching Your Holistic Health Goals With Your Body As An Ally
Julie DonaldsonMetabolic Typing®, personalized nutrition, holistic health, holistic telehealth, Krebs cycle, ATP, cellular oxidation, Autonomic Nervous System, mitochondrial respiration, Inuits, Digestion, elimination, energy production, weight, health issues, metabolic systems, food cravings, brain fog, biochemical individuality, blood type, Paleo, vegetarian, vegan, diet trends, body/mind, metabolism, hormones, gut health, microbiome, digestive tract, blood sugar, electrolytes, pH
The Seasonal Flu and Holistic Health Choices
Julie Donaldsonflu, influenza, holistic health, holistic telehealth, homeopathic, microdosing, holistic health care, side effects, headaches, body aches, fever, respiratory distress, seizures, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, vaccine effectiveness, respiratory infection, CDC, flu shots, flu nosode, mutations, antibodies, VAERS, acute immune attack, Bell Curve, nausea, respiratory stress, acetaminophen, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Metabolic Type®, sun exposure, vitamin D, exercise, vitamin C, zinc, zinc ionophore, de-stress, vaccine, hemagglutinin (HA), PCR, polymerase chain reaction, efficacy, immune system, like cures like, virions, exosomes, membrane, immunology, immune response, host, research, oscillococcinum, information carriers, expression of human genetics, cellular communication, outdated theory, DNA, RNA, preventative flu therapies, germ theory, host/pathogen relationship, environmental conditions, epigenetic health, Julie Donaldson, True Nature Health Consulting, respiratory failure, shock, kidney injury, heart attack, death, hypotension, ICU, hypoxia, colostrum, cardiovascular disease, CV disease, viral "drift", prophylactic, immunologic status, cardiovascular, cost comparison
Making Magic of Your Mitochondria and Metabolism
Julie Donaldsonmitochondria, metabolism, energy, ATP, metabolic health, optimal weight, cell types, Krebs cycle, ETC, electron transport chain, mitophagy, autophagy, programmed cell death, inflammatory cytokines, autoimmune, biogenesis, hormesis, oxidative phosphorylation, electrons, redox, electron donor, electron acceptor, fat soluble, water soluble, hydration, dehydration, fusion and fission, combustion engine, controlled combustion, food, exercise, underpowered cells, satiated, nutrient overload, processed food, nutrient dense foods, GLP-1, high nutrient foods, walking, resistance training, HIIT, high intensity interval training, calf raises, muscle contraction, photobiomodulation, red light, light absorption, sunshine, sleep, personalized detox, oxidative stress, ROS, liver, emotional body, de-stressing, Julie Donaldson, personalized nutrition, MT®, free energy, glucose disposal, diabetic, overweight, energy creation
The Incredible Health Benefits of Glutathione
Julie DonaldsonTGF-β, glutathione, antioxidant, immune system, liver, liver health, health benefits, exogenous antioxidant, Alzheimer's disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, asthma, autism, celiac disease, chronic fatigue, heavy metal detoxification, lupus, mental health disorders, fatty liver disease, Parkinson's disease, peripheral artery disease, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Chrohn's disease, reactive oxygen species, ROS, free radicals, skin, glutamine, cysteine, glycine, bloodstream, energy, lipid peroxidation, liver disease, personalized nutrition, gallbladder, bile, cholagogic foods, hydration, protein transporter, ATP, inflammatory cytokine, pathogens, pro-fibrogenic, cell survival, homeostasis, Bell curve, fibrotic diseases, injury, chronic illness, poor sleep, pharmaceutical medicines, stress, aging, alcohol, toxicity, inflammation, pyroluria, pyrroles, IVs, nebulizer, milk thistle, lipoic acid, NAC, A2 dairy, sulfur rich foods, cruciferous vegetables, animal protein, eggs, liposomal glutathione, sublingual form, mold toxicity, wildfire smoke, lung stress, lung disease
Healing the Depression-Anxiety Duo With Molecular Testing & Nutrients
Julie Donaldsonmental illness, toxicity, molecular nutrients, molecular nutrient approaches, mental health disorder, anxiety, depression, PTSD, nutrient imbalances, nutrient deficits, epigenetics, epigenetics of mental health disorders, Dr. William Walsh, Dr. Albert Mensah, oxidative stress, heavy metal toxicity, methylation imbalances, pyrrole disorder, pyroluria, KPU, copper toxicity, under methylation, over methylation, DNA, DNA methylation, SNPs, MTHFR, detoxification, OCD, allergies, pain, social isolation, poor concentration, ADHD, headaches, history of accomplishment, addiction, panic, nervous legs, pacing, sleep disorder, high pain threshold, low motivation, low libido, zinc, copper, B vitamins, selenium, glutathione, vitamin C, chromium, methionine, niacin, folate, green leafy vegetables, pyrroles, heme-producing molecules, HPL, cofactors, acne, nail spots, cold hands and feet, inability to tan, low morning appetite, constipation, joint pain, dyslexia, food sensitivities, gut dysfunction, sensitivity to light, irritability, prematurely gray hair, frequent infections, poor dream recall, poor short term memory, social withdrawal, stress disorder, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, MS, thyroid disease, impulsivity, low self esteem, constant motion, biology/biography, generational pain, personalized nutrition, serum copper, plasma zinc, whole blood histamine, homocysteine, ceruloplasmin, SAM/SAH ratio, amino acids, stool testing, ATP, molybdenum, NAC, antimicrobials, spore biotics, humic/fulvic acids, toxin binders, omegas, holistic telehealth, Julie Donaldson, gut-brain axis, circadian rhythms, iron overload, solutions, professional counseling
Herpes Viruses and Dementia Risk: What We Know About This Neuroimmune Stress
Julie Donaldsonherpes, HSV, HSV-2, HSV-1, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, AD, neuroimmune stress, neuroimmune looping, herpes simplex virus, HSV infection, viral shedding, capsid, replication, immune system, chronic latent viral infection, ATP, neurodegenerative disease, amyloid plaque, tau, women, MCI, mild cognitive impairment, body inflammation, brain inflammation, stress chemistry, neuroinflammation, microglial cell activation, neuronal death, MT®, personalized nutrition, thymus gland, Tregs, regulatory T-cells, T-cells, Th1, Th2, pathogens, toxins, T-cell receptor, TCR, cytokines, IL-10, interleukin 10, STAT3, S{, SPMs, special pro resolving mediators, omega 3's, vitamin D, relaxation, sun exposure, exercise, NKCs, Natural killer cells, adaptive immune system
Happiness or Well-Being? Set Points and Subjective Well-Being in the Quest for a Positive Life Journey
Julie Donaldsonhappiness, happiness set-point, subjective well-being, play, peace, "Big Five" personality traits, happiness curve, economics, environment, health, politics, demographics, pubic health, wealth, wealth disparity, Satisfaction with Life Scale, healing, healing journey, core beliefs, trauma, ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences, visceral experience, life skill, able to cope, optimistic, belonging, smile, purpose, temperament, emotions, mood, resilience, genetics, familial environment, telehealth, holistic telehealth
Spider Man, Pac-Man & Energy Combustion in Human Immunity
Julie DonaldsonPac-Man, Spider Man, controlled combustion, ATP, enregy, energy, Krebs cycle, macrophage, neutrophils, M1, M2, adenosine triphosphate, mitochondrial function, Metabolic Typing®, pathogens, inflammation, tissue debris, coticosteroids, cortisol, metabolic integrity, cytokines, free radicals, bacteria, cellular respiration, holistic telehealth, glycolysis, blood vessels, oxygen, personalized nutrition, immune system, Bell curve, DAMPs, damage associated molecular proteins
Weight, the GLP-1 Craze, Natural Alternatives and Your Brain
Julie Donaldsonweight, overweight, GLP-1, GLP-1 receptor agonists, brain, Ozempic®, Trulicity®, Rybelsus®, injections, medications, natural alternatives, obesity, hard-wired, hunter-gatherer societies, sedentary, genetics, fat, sugar, carbohydrates, nutrients, high flavor profile, unconscious, dopamine, neurotransmitter, basal ganglia, lipostat, set point, cancer, asthma, arthritis, sleep apnea, heart diseaes, heart disease, depression, sleep, low energy, inflammation, hypothalamus, leptin, leptin resistance, diabetes, chronic stsress, amygdala, Glucagon-Like-Peptide-1, peptides, proteins, building blocks, cell signaling, immune modulators, gut, short chain fatty acids, SCFAs, food noise, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypoglycemia, insulin, blood glucose, gastroparesis, pancreatitis, thyroid cancer, vision loss, reduced libido, suicidal ideation, hormone, microbiome, appetite, satiety, butyrate, proprionate, acetate, metabolic syndrome, akkermansia muciniphila, bifidobacterium infantis, clostridium infantis, metabolic health, mucin, mucosal barrier, microbiome transplant, fecal transplant, colonization, sun exposure, Vagus nerve, NTS, nucleus tractus solitarius, NEAT, non-exercise activity thermogenesis, MT®, personalized nutrition, core belief work, de-stress, ralaxation, brain healing, individualized testing, holistic telehealth, Julie Donaldson, EWG 2024 "Dirty Dozen", pesticides, BMI, Body Mass Index, type 2 diabetes, sunchokes, asparagus, holistic health, human unconscious behavior, functional health management
ADHD on the Rise: Dopamine, Immunity, Brain Fog and Solutions
Julie DonaldsonADD, ADHD, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, hyperactivity, dopamine, brain fog, immunity, adult ADHD, addiction, impulsivity, inability to pay attention/focus, hyper-focus, overactive mind, poor sleep, insomnia, fatigue, dyslexia, norepinpehrine, serotonin, GABA, comorbid psychiatric disorders, anxiety, depression, genetic, heritable, food sensitivities, additives, food dyes, low protein, heavy metals, emotion, motor control, motivation, cognition, pleasure/reward system, dopamine receptors, dopaminergic system, epigenetic influences, substance use, self-medicating, forgetfulness, difficulty finding words, jumbled thoughts, drowsiness, CDD, Concentration Deficit Disorder, neuroimmune loop, cytokines, inflammation, antibodies, autoimmune, homeostasis, brain, nervous system, Metabolic Typing®, personalized nutrition, blood chemistry, hair analysis, amino acids testing, Dutch hormone testing, exercise, breathing, air pollution, VOCs, holistic telehealth, root causes, environmental, Julie Donaldson, vitamin D, amino acids, digestion, gut stress, abnormal glucose tolerance, dopamine synthesis, Dr. James Greenblatt, Psychiatry Redefined, Shirley Lacy PhD, tyrosine, phenylalanine, executive function, learning, memory, behavior, reward and pleasure, impulse control disorders, healthy diets, junk food diets, neuropeptides, synapse, neurotransmitter, postsynaptc, MTHFR, polymorphisms, 1298AC polymorphism, MTHFR mutations, B vitamins, zinc, selenium, magnesium
The 1st Chakra, Tribal Energy and What It Means for Health
Julie Donaldson1st chakra, root chakra, tribal energy, health, tribe, tribal commands, Sanskrit, nerve bundles, organs, glands, adrenal glands, mental/emotional expressions, base of the spine, Earth, foundation of our being, grounding, stability, safety, security, anxious, disconnected, ancient traditions, nutrition, legs and feet, vital energy, subconscious minds, "us" and "them", tribal bonding, hunter-gatherer societies, modern day, repression, constraint, awareness, self-exploration, core belief, mental health stresses, politics, David Brooks, Bill Bishop, thoughts, feelings, actions, biography becomes biology, lifestyle, curiosity, mindfulness, mindlessness, Ellan Langer, rooted, safe, anchored, dynamic, protected, loved, grounded, whole, Belonging: Returning Ourselves Home, Toko-Pa Turner, transpersonal choice, intrapersonal choice, ancestral energy